Yells from the Crypt
Gravewax Records is a Lone Star State’s company offering rockabilly, surf, spaghetti western,
twang country sounds for the masses, the living dead & the masses of the living dead.
1. The Creepniks — Shadow Over Elkhart
2. Those Poor Bastards — Among the Pines
3. The Route 66 Killers — Murder on Beaver Street
4. The Cryptomaniacs — Vampire Bar Fight
5. Alex Machine — Blood on the Grill
6. The Coffin Daggers — Psychonaut
7. Rainer Hass — Packin’ Heat at the Speakeasy
8. Colonel Sander’s Grave — CSG Theme
9. Sons of Perdition — Anhelo
10. Muleskinner Jones — Death Row Hoedown
11. Gein and the Graverobbers — The Hungry Grave
12. Blitzkriegbliss — Beast
13. Phantom Creeps — Dead and Gone
14. Lona and the Love Objects — Give Me!
15. Los Muertos Vivientes — El Diablo El Mas Chingon
16. Joecephus and the George Jonestown Massacre — Going Back to Memphis
17. Cooterfinger — Hope you Get What you Deserve
18. Dexentonados — Juan Simon
19. Lonesome Wyatt — The Hellbound Train
20. Reverend Elvis and the Undead Syncopators — People Hate Blues
21. The Visitant — Helv
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