The Ghastly Ones — Gears N`Ghoulfinks

Опубликовано - Июль 31, 2013 в 4:15 пп

Ghastly Ones Gears N`Ghoulfinks

Listening to the new Ghastly Ones seven-inch EP, «Gears n’ Ghoul Finks» conjures images

of guys with good haircuts drinking beer and working on cars, Russ Meyer movies at the

drive-in, kids on banana seat bicycles, when the world wasn’t as crowded and you could

still afford to buy a house if you had a halfway decent job. It’s a pleasant enough fantasy.

The Ghastly Ones hammer it home with a tight, forthright assault of guitars, drums and

keyboards that is straight out of a Roger Corman biker movie.

1. Cargoyle
2. Raider’s Coach
3. Think Fink
4. Ghoulfink Stomp

ghastly ones legion of monsters


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